
The Registry at Michigan Park


The Registry at Michigan Park COA, Inc.

Our community is centrally located close to downtown Orlando, the Orlando International Airport and Florida’s best attractions. Awarded the 2005 District 2 Beautification Award this property perfectly combines the benefits of city living with the relaxed and laid back atmosphere of a resort.

Residents benefit from numerous amenities such as:

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Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
IRS Audit: What To Expect And How To Survive
Irsauditsm The four words that every American shudders to think of: “You are being audited.” Learn what to expect and what you will need to do to survive an IRS audit. As a taxpayer in the United States, we ...
Tags: CommunityIRSStaff Pick
Loans for HOAs and Condo Associations
Money Specialized loans to community associations, condo associations and HOAs are becoming more popular. Loans are a great alternative to over-assessing association members, because the association gets the funds...
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Orlando, Florida 32822